Nipomo Off-leash Recreational Area, Inc.

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Mission Statement



  • NORA desires to maintain the fenced in, off-leash passive recreational area(s) where dogs, dog owners and dog lovers can safely recreate in a clean, enjoyable environment. Our charter allows us to establish areas within and outside of Nipomo.

  • NORA wishes to retain the beautiful, well-situated space open to all dog lovers and friends to meet and socialize with each other and their dogs.

  • NORA wants to encourage responsible pet ownership by encouraging positive activities between people and their dogs.

  • NORA wants to provide law enforcement with an alternative to help enforce leash laws in Nipomo.

  • NORA desires to further the education of dog owners in the community.

  • NORA wants dog lovers to view off-leash areas as a community project designed to satisfy the needs of dog owners in Nipomo.


While you are visiting the off-leash area with your dogs, please be sure to follow the posted county rules: pick up after your dog, keep gates securely closed and remember we are considered a "temporary" facility until the park master plan revision is complete. To ensure our future, please be a good neighbor to other people/dogs and our neighboring BBQ and baseball areas.
Tell everyone you meet about our off-leash area and our website. The more who know about off-leash recreation, the more dogs will have the kind of life they love: running free safely!  Remember a well exercised dog is a well behaved dog.


What is an Off-Leash Recreational Area and how does it benefit the Nipomo community?

  • With Nipomo's growth, leash laws are likely to become more restrictive. Many concerned dog owners looked to the creation of off-leash recreational areas (dog parks) as a solution to their need for a place to spend quality time with their pets.
  • An off-leash area, i.e., dog park, is a public park, typically fenced, where people and their dogs can play together. These places offer dogs off-leash freedom areas where their owners can enjoy a park-like setting and the chance to socialize with other canines and their owners. Dog parks are being established all over the country and offer a wealth of benefits to dogs, dog owners and the community as a whole.
  • Off-leash areas draw tourists traveling with dogs; creating more community income.
  • Nipomo continues to show a desire to nurture a sense of community.
  • Well-exercised dogs create less of a nuisance and make better neighbors.
  • Off-leash recreational areas help keep dogs and people active by bringing them out to the parks. For some dog owners, specifically the elderly and disabled, an off-leash recreational area would allow the only opportunity for them and their dogs to play and socialize with other people and other dogs.
  • Off-leash recreational areas are a valid use of public parkland. The establishment of off-leash recreational areas promotes responsible dog ownership, prevents infringement on the rights of other park users, promotes public health and safety, makes it easier to enforce leash laws, allows dog owners a place to meet people with common interests, and fosters a sense of community.
  • Dogs contribute immeasurably to their family’s quality of life, thus helping to foster a sense of community for everyone.
  • People and their dogs need a space to relax and have fun; to recreate.
  • A fun stress reducer for everyone.

 Our site within Nipomo Community Park

  • The site comprises two areas:
    • Area 1: North of Tefft, beginning halfway down the slope into the Pine Grove area, east of the BBQ area, running along the "trail" towards Pomeroy and ending just West of Pomeroy.
    • Area 2: Adjoins area 1 and is separated by a fence for use by small, timid dogs or dogs new to off-leash areas. It can also be used as a "time out" area for a overzealous dog.
  • PARKING: There is available parking at the lot next to Pine Grove area and at the lower level by the baseball fields; the sites are in good proximity to Nipomo residents; and there are several approaches and connections.

Why use the off-leash area?

  • Many people allow their dogs to run free in Nipomo and especially within Nipomo park’s sensitive open space. Some turn their dogs loose in the grassy park areas. Owners often do not clean up after their dogs and the droppings become a nuisance. Dogs loose in the natural areas not only disturb sensitive habitat, but also may annoy or harass wild creatures, human hikers and equestrians.
  • Dog owners and their dogs need recreational space just as baseball, soccer, tennis, and other groups.
  • Off-leash recreational areas can provide an excellent venue for providing information on low cost spay/neuter and vaccination clinics, the microchip ID, dog training and other information related to keeping dogs happy and healthy. An informational kiosk is planned.

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Myths and Misconceptions

  • The noise and stench will be overwhelming.
    • Well-exercised and well-socialized dogs are much quieter in public areas and at home. So the more running and playing a dog does, the less likely that s/he will play-bark or engage in nuisance barking. The parks we've researched reported that nuisance barking was not a problem in their off-leash areas.
    • A strict "pick up" policy will be in effect and it is each dog owner's responsibility to keep the area clean. Plastic bags will be provided and trash is emptied regularly. The experience of other cities shows that once there are legal off-leash areas, there is strong peer pressure to pick up dog droppings and trash. Off-leash areas tend to be cleaner than other public parks.
  • Hordes of loose dogs will over-run the city.
    • Off-leash areas generally have fencing and natural barriers. Signage at the entryway alerts the public that the area is for off-leash enjoyment and leash laws are in effect elsewhere in the area. FACT: Laguna Lake in SLO enjoys an unfenced off-leash area....dogs stay close to their owners and other dogs. They could run off in any direction, BUT they DON'T!
  • My dog could be viciously attacked.
    • That we know of, there has rarely been injuries reported in off-leash area - it simply doesn't happen as a rule. As one attorney commented, "There is less liability in an off-leash area than in most other park activities." Off-leash areas are neutral territories for visiting dogs, so it is highly unlikely that they will try to protect their turf. Dogs prefer to work things out in their groups peacefully. Animal behaviorists have known for years that dogs are less likely to be aggressive with each other when off-leash than when they are on leash.
  • No one will responsible once it's completed.
    • NORA members now have a multi-year history of maintaining and cleaning the facility. As usual more participants would be welcome, but the workload is low and the main volunteers are managing.
    • We do need a wider base of participants comprised of dog owners and enthusiasts. Volunteers perform "park maintenance days" and assist on "patrol times" which will be based on the highest use periods. This volunteer group works to prevent degradation of the facilities by performing routine checks and maintenance duties. Visit Santa Maria's Waller Park off-leash facility; most users oversee their prized facility.
  • The Reality.
    • Off-leash areas are great neighborhood gathering places. Experience shows that off-leash areas build strong neighborhoods and communities. Crime has decreased in many cities near the off-leash areas and people who normally would not talk to each other will start conversations when a dog is there to break the ice. Neighbors get to know each other, friendships are made and people and dogs are happier and more  adjusted socially.



Please check our BULLETIN BOARD for news and updates. Post lost/found dogs (& cats), offer for sale dogs, offer animal related services.

Nipomo's Own Dog Park